PSC (Public Service Commission)
SSC (Staff Selection Commission)
Quiz app to refresh your knowledge about India as well Science subjects. This app shall help you to prepare for state civil-services exams as well for self-learning and self-testing.
- 9000+ questions, properly categorized in multiple sections
- Coverage of questions covering wide variety of subjects
- Focusing on India, World events, Science, Day-to-day GK all for competitive exams & general awareness, Current affairs, Economics/Commerce.
- Science subject wise additions added to cover and test your knowledge in Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology
- Fast UI, Best in class user-interface presented in Android app Quiz format
- App designed to work for all screens - Phones & Tablets
- Review your answers against right answers - Learn fast
- Detail reports on your performance of all quiz attended
- No limits on quiz, retry any number of times
Subjects covered:
- India GK (General Knowledge India)
- General Awareness - including sports, places, events and general
- Indian Polity (Political system)
- Indian economics & commerce
- Indian Freedom movement
- Indian History
- Indian Geography
Science subjects include Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology
We guarantee SUCCESS if you could practice all question-answers given in this app !
The app is designed in such a way to educate students of India preparing for all below examinations to refresh their GK across various subjects.
- States in India have the public service exams (PSC) for recruiting candidates to Indian Civil services
- Combined Graduate Level Exam (CGLE),
- Police selection that includes SI Sub-Inspection selection, Recruitment of constables, CAPF
- Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
- Statistical Inspector selection (SSI)
- 9000+问题,正确分类的多个节
- 覆盖多种学科覆盖面的问题
- 着眼于印度,世界事件,科学,一天到一天GK所有有竞争力的考试和普遍认识,时事,经济学/商。
- 增加了科学学科明智的补充覆盖和测试你的物理,化学,植物学,动物学知识
- 快速的用户界面,同级最佳的用户界面呈现在Android应用程序测验格式
- 应用程序设计适用于所有的屏幕 - 手机和平板电脑
- 检查你的答案对正确的答案 - 有很强的学习
- 在你所有的测验业绩详细报告出席
- 在测验没有限制,任何重试次数
- 印度GK(常识印度)
- 普遍的认识 - 包括体育,场所,事件和一般
- 印度政体(政治系统)
- 印度经济与贸易
- 印度自由运动
- 印度历史
- 印度地理学
- 国印度有公共服务检查(PSC)招募候选人印度民用服务
- 联合研究生水平考试(CGLE)
- 警方的选择,其中包括SI次检验选择警员组成,招聘,CAPF
- 中央调查局(CBI)
- 统计督察选择(SSI)